Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg

The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg by Rodman Philbrick
Harold is Homer P. Figg's older brother, without him Homer would be hopeless. One day, Homer is so hungry that he takes a bite to eat from the pig's scraps. His evil uncle catches a glimpse of him sneaking scraps and it gets Homer into a lot of trouble. His brother, Harold, tries to prevent Homer from being harmed by his uncle. After some more trouble, Harold goes off to fight at war, as an under-aged solder.

Naturally Homer takes off looking for his older brother. Homer finds himself with a cruel man that wants him to lie his way into finding a bunch of slaves. Homer finds out hes not sure if he's going to tell the mean man the truth or not.

This book was definitely filled to the brim with adventure. I'm not sure if I liked it or not. In some parts it was fantastic, other parts failed to interest me. I would give this book a 58% chance of voting.

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