Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Sherlock Files The 100-Year-Old Secret

The Sherlock Files The 100-Year-Old Secret by Tracy Barret
Xena and Xander just moved to London from the states. They think life in London will be dark and rainy, like the weather. That's until they're told to go to The Dancing Men pub and ask for a saucer of milk for their snake, but they don't even have a snake. Xander and Xena come to the conclusion that what they were told is a code of some sort. When they decide to go to the pub for lunch they certainly find out what the whole thing was about.

Xander and Xena are faced with the challenge of finding out who stole the
painting, Girl in a Purple Hat, and who was that mysterious girl in the purple hat. The artist didn't even have any daughters and he didn't talk to anyone!

This book was a very good mystery. I've never read any of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, but this book made me consider reading one in the future. This book also had a very surprising ending! I'll give it a 83% chance of getting my vote.

1 comment:

  1. We have a lot in common, Xavia! Yeah! I am also guilty of not reading any Sherlock Holmes books even though I've heard they are very good. And...I didn't have any interest to see the new Jude Law movie, "Sherlock Holmes", and probably never will! It must be a "girl thing" to stay away from Sherlock Holmes stuff, but if you like this book then I may read The Sherlock Files 1st and if I like it, I'll read a Sherlock Holmes book!
